Sunday, April 22, 2007

The purpose of the Blog

There is far too much information available to the civilians of the world that is absent from the for-profit media. Just as often, the relationships between news, discoveries, political decisions, global unexpected changes, and aberrant events are not corrolated through one source to faciliate one's understanding of the larger picture of what is developing in the world in which we live.

We have a world of intelligent people who desire to know the truth in a timely manner. They want to hear what experts have to say who are not beholden to any camp, corporation, or political agenda. There is considerable critical information available beyond the reach of the "powers-that-be" and under the radar of the narrowly focused and isolated individuals. Intelligent civilians want to know. Civilian Intelligence will meet that need.

If you want "news", there is a big world where you can get what is served up.If you want developed, useful information and perceptive understanding, you can get it here.

This blog will be a portal to the world of civilian intelligence for the intelligent civilian.

Thank you for joining me.