Monday, April 30, 2007

Threats against women on-line bloggers and activists

Sexual Threats Stifle Some Female Bloggers -

The Washington Post Article referenced above
provides a clear portrait of how threatening
words and internet behaviors can deeply alter a
person's on line activities as well as their
personal lives.

Accounts of on-line predation of women engaged in
business or personal activities have occurred
prior to the early 1990's referenced in the
Washington Post article.

In the late 1980's, in Orange Country, California,
a woman who started a small on-line Christian prayer
group on Prodigy became a target for internet
harassment by on-line anti-Christians. What started
as veiled threats began to reference her home and
pets in detail. Upon returning home from a restaurant
dinner engagement, she found an email commenting
on the restaurant and her meal.

Cyberstalking transferred to US mail. She received
an enveloped containing a tear sheet from an obscure
communist newspaper showing that her name, address,
and unlisted telephone number had been published.
She then received postal mail that was a color sketch
of a beheaded woman on her back with the words
"We'll drink her blood and eat her flesh" written on it.
She contacted the FBI who opened a case. It was closed
without any arrests. Cyberlaw and cybercrimes
detectives were non-existent then, and the postal
mailings could not be traced. She still gives
occasional interviews decades later still not
completely free from various residual entanglements.

All of the women in the group became targets of the
same group of strangers who took issue with their
personal activities, beliefs, and expressed opinions.
Everyone's lives changed. One marriage broke up from
stress and two women developed anxiety disorders
that impaired their lives forever. One woman from
Philadelphia committed suicide, an act of desperation
believed by her family to be the result of being
relentlessly terrorized by strangers from the
internet who were able to penetrate deeply into her
psyche and her life.

The very term "threat" is often minimized. We often
say something is "only" a threat. But threats are
often a precursor to other acts of harm. Threats are
also a psychological element that accompanies harm
conducted in a methodical manner.

Gavin De Becker developed "The Threat Assessment
Scale." It can be found in his book, "The Gift of Fear."
It is the gold standard used by law enforcement and
private security firms. It is an excellent resource.
However, even psychiatrists cannot predict anyone's
future behavior with complete certainty or accuracy.

Many internet groups exist today for the sole purpose
of supporting people who are trapped in a life of
individual or group stalking and sophisticated
harassment - perpetrated by strangers who use the
internet in one way or another in these crimes.

The Washington Post article publicized a form of
individual terrorism that has threatened the
freedom and productivity of many women. Hopefully,
this will result in a more aware and prepared
internet public which will find defenses
and ultimately prevail over predators who
terrorize through the internet.

We must acknowledge what military
psychological experts have known for long time
which is the title of one of their reports.
"The Mind Has No Firewall."

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Relax, Al. It's not "global warming."

Relax Al. It’s not “global warming.”

“Global warming.”

Al, you’ve gotten yourself and everyone else
upset about “global warming.”

The Earth is at least 6000 years old according to
Biblical scholars and millions of years old according
to Darwinians.

Relax, Al. It’s just a hot flash.

Sins of Omission

We continue to discover examples of sins of omission
by the American government and other officials designated
with responsibilities of decision making in time
of crisis.

Case in point is the Washington Post's revelation that
the US "politely" refused enormous offers of relief aid
from our allies during the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

The deterioration of leadership is beyond a level that
many American believe is repairable. We as a civilian
sector must change our ways.

We must promptly stop delegating our lives away.

*We need to stop delegating the education, values
identification, and discipline to the school system.

*We need to stop tolerating a justice systems that
does not provide an opportunity for justice as the
result of attorneys who fail to advocate adequately
before the court of Judges who themselves fail to
uphold the laws.

*We must cease from allowing our military leadership
to exist beyond accountability and be funded with a
blank check - war or no war.

*We must end the pendulum swinging finger of blame
that moves from one equally guilty political party to
the other and back, ad infinitum.

*No longer should we support a media which selectivity
and strategically dispenses news like medications... to
either sedate or agitate.

*We cannot afford to have corporate deep pockets hold
the strings of our national infrastructure.

*No longer should we support a monetary system that is
owned and administrated by a private group of bankers
to which we are indebted for all foreseeable

I do not have a proposals for solutions that will
correct these problems at their cores. But I do know
that identifying the problems openly is the first step
in addressing these problems.

Law abiding citizens need to realize that it is
incumbent upon us to save our own nation from the sins
of omission that are killing us.

The salvation of America isn't something that can be
delegated either. One day we could all wake up to a
horrible reality that this is no longer the country
it once was.

It's about the revival of the American
citizen and the resuscitation of the US Constitution.

What can you do today to contribute to the betterment
of conditions of leadership in the public and private
sectors of this country? How much uglier must it
become before US citizens will take constructive
measures within the means of their own resources?

If we are not willing to step up to the plate now
as individual citizens to recapture our country
and help make it functional, our future is already
lost. No one is going to do this for us.
This is NOT something that can be delegated.

There are many alternative camps ready and waiting
to implement their agenda for this country.
Communist China, the radical Muslim group fueled by
Jihad, vast international corporations, the MS-13
worldwide gang, covert military agencies,
organized crime, secret elitist membership
organizations, and citizens of other countries
wanting to re-establish past boundaries are all
prepared to step in where you fail to stand.

Don't think so? Check back here in about 10
years. If you can......

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bees 911

I remember a song that went "Where have all the flowers gone?"
Now we have the question of "Where have all the bees gone?"

This is a "birds and the bees" education of a new kind. Honeybees have suddenly diminished in population up to 60% in some areas of the world. This is a crisis of nature that has will severely impact food supplies and therefore the world economy.

For all of the technologies created in the past decades that replace human and animal services, no one has been able to find a replacement for the pollination of plants required for flowers and fruits to grow. But, no one had been trying. It appears that no one has been paying attention to the small busy bee. Until now. They now have our full attention.

Scientists who specialize in insects and agriculture ruled out previously known causes of the massive demise of bees. Rules out are mites, disease, predators, destruction of habitat, pesticide contamination, other chemical contamination, and all other previously determined causes which effected the bee population in the past.

It is now beyond just a suspicion that the cause of the sudden death of honeybees in huge numbers is radio frequency saturation in our environment. Honeybees fly as their primary means of travel. They navigate to and from their hives. Apparently, they are becoming disoriented due to the intensity of microwave frequency filling the air and they die outside of the hives.

Radio frequency in the atmosphere is measured in amount of watts per centimeter squared. That's not important to understand for the average person. But what is important to understand is that the amount of radio frequency in a given space of atmosphere is exponentially higher now than ever before. It has reached a level so high that we are seeing evidence of extreme consequences in living things.

Interference with navigation is not a new cause of harm for living creatures created by human technology. Marine mammals also become disoriented in the presence of undersea military generated acoustic (sound) technologies. This is the primary cause of beaching. Some sea mammals have been found to have ruptured eardrums and blood vessels in their the result of the direct damage of intense sound waves.

Radio frequency and sound waves are two different forms of energy. But both are created by high tech sources and artificially infused into any otherwise clean environment. Both are creating harm and death to species of life. Both are unhealthy in the amounts and frequency of exposure to all living things.

Radio frequency does not just travel through the air. Radio frequency such as the one which creates cellular telephone communication - microwave frequency - penetrates all things with the exception of some metals.

Consider your microwave oven. Subject any non-metallic item to a course of microwave and it becomes heated - eventually... all the way through. Metal in a microwave will spark because it deflects the microwaves and is not penetrated by the microwaves. That is the reason your microwave door has a metal mesh screen front. It keeps the microwaves inside.

If you were exposed to microwaves, they would penetrate you too. How much you would be penetrated by microwave is determined by the intensity, amount, and duration of the exposure. Our physical subjectivity to microwave penetration is the reason that medical scientists warn of the dangers of microwave cell phone upon the brain during cellular telephone calls. The brain absorbs the exposure. It has been determined that continued or intense exposure to microwave frequency causes cancer by interfering with human cell reproduction at the stage of cell division. This leads to abnormal cell reproduction, which is one definition of cancer.

At the time when the younger generation of the 60's were singing "Where have all the flowers gone?", the USSR was using microwaves for the first time that it was known to America's civilians. They were bombarding the US Embassy in Moscow with it. No one paid much attention to that situation after it left the headlines. We knew it was a bad thing to do, but that is all we generally concluded.

Today, civilians can know more about microwaves. Microwave is used for many purposes. First, it is used for covert obtain information. Next, it is used for transmission for communication. This communication can be overt as in a cellular phone, or covert, as in projected "under the radar" communication directly into one's mind. This is known as the Frey effect in electronics. Sound is transmitted through the bones of the skull, bypassing the ear mechanism. The US military calls this "Voice to Skull" or V2K transmission in their unclassified dictionary of terms. There is no known mechanism for blocking this from your body. It is also referred to as "The Voice of God" weapon because it is alleged to have been used in Afghanistan telling the Taliban to lay down their weapons, put up their hands, walk in a straight line, and quietly surrender to the US military. It is alleged that the projected sound stated this was the Will of Allah. Pretty radical are the capabilities of radio frequencies.

Microwaves in the civilian sector is commonly found in cell phones, microwave ovens, cosmetic surgical equipment, and termite eradication equipment.

Radio frequency includes (but is not limited to) AM, FM, TV, cordless phones, wireless computer services, cellular telephones, wireless alarm systems, satellite communications, remote garage door transmissions, and a vast range of military frequencies.

We are bathed in an ever increasing sea of radio frequency in our high tech society. All living things are subjected to this, and we are now seeing the effects of this all around us. For those who are not aware of the broad spectrum effects of radio frequency upon the human body, I suggest a few hours on Google as a matter of long term personal survival. The capabilities of radio frequency upon the nervous system is unbelievable without validation by your own sources. Take the work of the infamous Jose Delgado who used wired current to completely dominate the brains of monkeys and even raging bulls, and go wireless. That's not sci-fi, that's science. Look up for yourselves the effects of exposure to radio frequency. Check out different national standards and you will find the US has the highest tolerance permitted of all countries. Identify your own "experts" and find out for yourselves what you need to know.

Microwave technology is a super huge business. It is telecommunications, satellite, and military weapons of the 21st century. It is about huge profits, the infrastructure of a high tech society, vast political and economic power, and military might.

One frequency of microwave called the millimeter wave is now a military weapon called "Active Denial." What makes this weapon different than most we are familiar with is that it does only one thing: it causes unbearable pain.

This Raytheon-produced weapons technology was mounted on Humvees at Gillespie Field in San Diego, California afew years ago and sent to the middle east for war use. Civilian Intelligence will inform you of the fact that during its initial use, soldiers using this weapon developed side effects such as eyesight deterioration and dissolving of the covering over the internal organs. This is attributed to a phenomena called "blow back." So, the military began to put protections in place for our soldiers.

The problem with the use of pain-based weapons is that it violated the Geneva Convention and International treaties. So, the US transferred these types of weapons - "pain based weapons"- from the Department of Defense to the Department of Justice. Just several months ago, an Air Force Executive publicly called for the use of this weapon on US citizens. It is believed that the purpose of this was for testing purposed and to officially classify it as a law enforcement weapon, not a wartime, weapon. That distinction circumvents the rules and agreements for the rest of the world which objects to weapons whose purpose is solely to cause unbearable pain.

Now getting back to the bees. The few who are left. The bees who can't find their way back to the hives because of all the disorienting radio frequency in the atmosphere. We know where the bees have gone. We now have a decision to make which is whether or not to correct the underlying cause of their demise or not.

And while we are thinking that through, keep in mind the other effects of radio frequency that are not being mentioned on Good Morning America or other places in the mainstream media. Just because it's not being mentioned, doesn't mean that it's not a big problem. In America today, the media is a corporate business inexorably enmeshed with other corporate entities as well with all levels of government. They are all co-dependent and they are all based on self and special interests. That is why intelligent civilians need to get their information from other sources, Civilian Intelligence being one of them.

"The Flight of the Bumblebee" is a famous orchestral interlude written by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov for his opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan, in the late 1800's. Today, it has taken on new meaning. Replacing the college student's mental gymnastic midnight debates about why science and math show that bees can't fly, we should be discussing why they are not flying back to the hives because of the radio frequency that has saturated the atmosphere. The Flight of the Bumblebee will be a swan song played as the backdrop to a world plunged into a food shortage, economic crisis, and environmental decline. Human and animal health will directly suffer radio frequency caused illness.

There will be some who will bark denial of these facts. It would not be the first time. Around the time of the USSR microwave attack on the US embassy in Moscow, author Rachel Carson wrote "The Silent Spring" which forewarned of the dangers of pesticides. After attempts at discrediting by companies with power and money who benefited from the sale and use of dangerous pesticides by various US government agencies, Rachel Carson's book was indeed prophetic. Dangerous pesticides are found in all of our water supplies, in our food products, and in fact, in our own body fat. We have just learned to give it "safe levels" designations and ignore it.

Intelligent Civilians should not repeat the same course of manipulated denial of the 60's in the case of the dying bumblebees in the start of the 21st century.We have already seen the near disappearance of butterflies over the past years with no one bothering to barely comment.

Educate yourself. Take a few hours to look over what many different expert voices are saying. Then express your viewpoint to your elected officials and media editorial opportunities if you care about the invisible killer...a radio frequency saturate

Lastly, live your views. Implement your beliefs into your lifestyle.

The Intelligence Civilian in America absolutely can make a difference. No, it's more than's that Intelligent Civilians must make a difference.

Or we will literally mean "Where have all the flowers gone?"

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Is leadership extinct in America?

Is leadership extinct in America?

Let me bring to mind several recent critical events:

Hurricane Katrina
Virginia Tech

What these have in common is the absence of leadership
when leadership was the primary quality called for.

The US government including President George W. Bush and
military and intelligence agencies were ineffective and
useless for an excruciatingly long period of time when
our country faced a critical event. There is no
question about that fact regardless of what you believe
to be the underlying cause of 911.

Hurricane Katrina was a second example of lack
of leadership. This scenario is inexcusable since
hurricanes are predicable and anticipated in that region
and it had long been known that the levies were subject
to failure.

Virginia Tech. What can be said?
This discussion is not a blame game, it's
merely a look at the inexcusable lack of
leadership at a critical time.

Virginia Tech is a large institution that is not too far
from CIA headquarters and Washington DC, by today's
standards. One would assume a greater awareness of potential
terrorism at such a location. The leadership being referred
to is both Virginia Tech Administration as well as
the law enforcement agencies responding to the wholesale
killing and wounding of students by an armed gunman who was
not in custody or accounted for. It is incomprehensible that
someone who committed such a public act would be free to
return within hours and continue to commit the same acts of
violence and murder.

Further, this repeated act of domestic terrorism by one
person took place post 911. Post 911 law enforcement and
civilian leaders have been infused with federal funds and
uncountable training projects for such a time as that.

Most civilians wake up and go about their day assuming
that someone is in charge of all things. We have a degree
of belief that the persons in charge of whatever they are
in charge of will be responsive and competent should their
leadership be needed.

The greater reality that we see is that when a critical
need arises for leadership in the US, we continue to see
the absence of leadership.

Some people do not actually know what leadership is
because they have not seen actually seen it in their
lifetimes. That is one of a number of great American

In the wake of these many incidences, we see backlash that
is equally ineffective.

Example: reactionary proposals for legislation and the
creation of ineffective government programs.

In the absence of leadership and the craving for it by
those relying on it, leadership becomes confused with
authoritarian control.The evidence of this scenario
is actually hidden in plain site in the US.It can
be seen in the NSA's covert investigation of civilians
without probable cause, and in the kidnapping of world
citizens for transport to non-US locations where they
are subjected to treatment that violates our own laws
and moral standards, and in other actions taken by our
nation post 911, including the erosion of our civil
rights through the enactment of the Patriot Act.

It is time for the American civilian to insure that
qualified leaders hold leadership positions and to
hold them accountable for their performance.

Further, the American public needs to begin developing
and demonstrating leadership in our own lives. The
standard needs to come from a grassroots movement
that hopefully will swell vertically. No one at the
top is concerned about their failures, apparently,
and little, if any, meaningful consequences result
from the devastating failures in leadership for the
responsible parties.

Leadership is on the endangers qualities list.
Let's strengthen our nation with an infusion
of personal leadership while we seek qualified
leaders for the upper levels of industries,
government, and sectors.

The purpose of the Blog

There is far too much information available to the civilians of the world that is absent from the for-profit media. Just as often, the relationships between news, discoveries, political decisions, global unexpected changes, and aberrant events are not corrolated through one source to faciliate one's understanding of the larger picture of what is developing in the world in which we live.

We have a world of intelligent people who desire to know the truth in a timely manner. They want to hear what experts have to say who are not beholden to any camp, corporation, or political agenda. There is considerable critical information available beyond the reach of the "powers-that-be" and under the radar of the narrowly focused and isolated individuals. Intelligent civilians want to know. Civilian Intelligence will meet that need.

If you want "news", there is a big world where you can get what is served up.If you want developed, useful information and perceptive understanding, you can get it here.

This blog will be a portal to the world of civilian intelligence for the intelligent civilian.

Thank you for joining me.