Cindy Sheehan has "resigned" from being the
"face" of the anti-war movement in this nation.
This act is not as revealing as her stated
reasons. As reported in CNN, Ms. Sheehan was
reported to have said
"was that Casey did indeed die for nothing ...
killed by his own country which is beholden to
and run by a war machine that even controls what
we think."
Cindy Sheehan is wrong about what her son died
for and who was the killer of her son. The
reality is that there is no escaping the
Jihadists anywhere in the world. They have
attempted to take over nations from Sweden to
Nigeria with the sword. If we do not fight them
elsewhere, we will be fighting them here,
which we may well indeed have to do regardless.
That is no reflection on whether the Iraq war is
justified or administrated properly. But the
underlying ideological zealousness of the
Jihadists have the US "infidels" just as much
in their cross hairs as anyone else, if not more.
However, Cindy Sheehan's identification of a war
machine that controls even what we think in the
US is completely accurate. This war machine was
labeled "The military-industrial complex" in the
late 50's. It implies an economic foundational
relationship between the military and industry.
It is simplified in basic economic terms as the
choice made in dollar expenditure of guns
versus butter.
Someone this year renamed the symbiotic entity
the "military-media-industrial complex."
This is the key that results in the
observation/conclusion of Ms. Sheehan
- "a war machine that even control
what we think..." Yes, the mainstream media
in the US has become the propaganda generator
of this three part system.
Propaganda is the term used in the 60's
pertaining to Russia's new reporting.
These days it has been renamed "spin."
Same thing, different generational
Cindy Sheehan also realized that she was
in essence used and mislead by her
Democratic party. When her anti-war efforts
served the Democratic party by being the
issue they hoped would initiate the
fracturing of George Bushes stronghold of
support, one crack at a time, she was their
"darling." But when she wanted them to
deliver on stopping the war, what she
expected in return for her tireless
efforts, she was summarily discarded.
No, Cindy, this is not the country
you thought it was, or the country
it used to be. Many Americans on
both sides of the aisle grieve this
great loss.
Regardless of our individual politics,
we all appreciate that you truly
believed wholeheartedly in a
principle and gave you all unselfishly
in behalf of it.
Cindy Sheehan resigns a broken but far
wiser woman.
However, the intelligent civilian knows
that Cindy Sheehan's son enlisted of his
own free will into the US military.
Militaries engage in war. Plain and
simple. He put himself in the position
that ultimately cost him his life.
While it is regrettable, it also was
forseeable. And it was also a price
he himself was willing to pay.