Monday, May 28, 2007

Non Consensual Human Experimentation in North America

The Washington Post of May 28,2007 reveals a plan
for non-consensual human experimentation planned for
20,000 critically injured or ill patients in several
cities in North America, in an article entitled
"Critical Care Without Consent."

The article reads in part:

"The studies are being conducted by the
Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium, a network of
medical centers that do research in Seattle,
Portland, San Diego, Dallas, Birmingham,
Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Toronto and Ottawa, and in
Iowa and British Columbia" (end of WP quote)

This means that persons found with
conditions applicable to the study found in
"the field", meaning outside of a
hospital setting, will be placed into either the
control group (given the standard treatment) or
the test group (given the new treatment.)

The reason given for the US and Canadian govern-
ments to approve this test for their citizens
and residents is that the conditions of the
patients will be too grave for them to grant
permission. In addition, families of the
critically ill are alleged unable, due to stress,
to make a decision of that magnitude
under pressure when seconds count in saving

Here are the questions the intelligent
civilian should ask:

1. Who will be making the decisions
as to which patient receives which treatment?

2. Will the patients or their legal
decision makers be informed that they are
participating in a study at the time of
treatment? If not, when.

3. Will the patients remain in the study
after the patient is stabilized, for those
who did not die, and if so, will they have
the right of informed consent at that time?

4. Can a person "opt out" of such a
field trial in advance of finding oneself
in a situation which qualifies you for it?

5. Is a participant obligated to pay the
cost of services for such a study? Or,
should they themselves be paid for being
a participant in the study. The latter
is the standard procedure for
all other medical testing studies.

6. Will the study be fully disclosed to the
public at some point in time without violating
one's privacy.

7. If the outcome of the study is poor, who
will be the legally responsible party for
civil recourse, if necessary, or is immunity
and legal shielding covering this study?

San Diego is listed as one of the cities
whose citizens and residents will be
unwillingly placed in this study. San Diego
is a large military based community which
has primarily 3 medical systems which all
civilians participate in. All have strong

San Diego is also a large DOD contractors
center. Citizens of San Diego have long
reported being used as Guinea pigs for various
directed energy weapons.

A Homeland Security deputy and an engineer
involved in military technology development
told Civilian Intelligence that the protocol
for testing weapons on civilians is called
"skunk projects" and that they take place
in San Diego and always will.

Non-consensual experimentation is NEVER
acceptable. It takes only seconds, even
in an emergency, to inquire "We are
involved in a large government
approved program for experimental
emergency care. Do you consent to
participate in it?"

As it stands, the person making the
decision of who gets the routine
care and who does not is a key element
not detailed in the press release.
There must be pure objectivity in
this element of the trial. Patients
must be informed as soon as possible.
And there must be a legally recognized
manner to "opt in" or "opt out."

Finally, the intelligent civilian
must focus on the central issue
of whether or not Americans find
it acceptable for the US government
to become our guardians and make
life altering determinations for us
such as that some of us will be
subjected to medical experimentation
without informed consent.

The US had has a history of obtaining medical
information in various unethical ways. First,
the US government imported medical doctors
and their information derived from the Nazi
regime human experimentation horrors
at the end of WWII, in Operation Paperclip.

From that point forward, the US government
has justified all non-consensual human
experimentation. They have "used"
military members, non--consensual prisoners
in custody in the US, and civilians.
Every weapon and technology in development
and production is tested on some US citizens
without their knowledge and or consent
by Defense Contractors with the expressed
approval and support of the US government.

The intelligent civilian realizes that
these are precedents being set each time
citizens are used for experiments
authorized by the government. Therefore,
this trend must be promptly addressed.